Categories Biology & Health

When we stop eating after the sun goes down magic happens

Consider this scenario: your fridge is calling, it’s late, and the stars are out. However, what if I told you that when you ignore the call, a small magic trick occurs? Your body does amazing things when you stop eating after sunset; it’s like becoming superhuman while you sleep. And really, all you need is self-control not a cape.

Let’s explore the how, why, and amazing advantages of an easy to form yet effective habit.

What’s the Big Deal About Eating After Sunset?

According to Dave Asprey, the creator of the Bulletproof movement, your body has an internal clock of its own. Your circadian rhythm, which tells your body when to eat, sleep, and wake up. Functions as a kind of natural timer. You tamper with this clock when you eat after the sun sets. Talk about awful timing! It’s like giving your body a task just before bed.

Your body is stuck digesting that late night pizza rather than relaxing and healing itself. Weight gain, a slowed metabolism, and even medical issues like diabetes may result from this over time. However, your body eventually receives the rest it needs when you stop eating after sundown.


Why Does the Magic Happen?

  • Your Body Is an Expert at Burning Fat
    Your body can use stored fat for energy instead of continuously burning the food you just ate. This implies that you can wake up feeling more energized and slimmer without even trying.
  • As Your Digestive System Cools
    Consider your stomach to be a diligent worker. It never gets a rest if you continue to feed it late at night. You can allow your digestive system to relax and heal by fasting after sundown. Better gut health, less bloating, and even clearer skin can result from this.
  • You Get Better Sleep
    Snacking late at night might disrupt your sleep, causing you to wake up during the night. Avoiding the midnight munchies causes your body to creates more melatonin (the sleep hormone), helping you get deeper, more restful sleep.
  • You Avoid the “Midnight Cravings Trap”
    The guilt that comes with consuming half a tub of ice cream while binge-watching your favorite show is avoided when you avoid eating at night. Have you noticed that the foods you crave at night are typically not greens or carrots?

The Science Backs It Up

According to Asprey and other studies, fasting after sunset can enhance insulin sensitivity, boost metabolism, and potentially lengthen your lifetime. When you eat during daylight hours, your body uses the natural cues from sunshine to metabolize food more efficiently. Your metabolism slows down at night, which makes burning calories more difficult.

How to Make It Work (Without Feeling Like You’re Starving)

Have a Satisfying Dinner
Make the most of your final meal of the day. Add fiber, protein, and healthy fats to help you feel full all evening.

Establish a “Kitchen Curfew.”
Decide on a time, such as 7 p.m., and then shut off the kitchen. Act as though it’s locked, or if you want to go really dramatic, think that a furious dragon is watching over your refrigerator.

Keep yourself occupied.
Distract yourself from snacking if you’re tempted. Read a book, go for a stroll, or pick up a non-eating pastime.

Sip herbal tea or water.
Hunger can sometimes pass for thirst. A cozy alternative to a late-night snack is a steaming cup of tea.

The Fun Side of Nighttime Fasting

Consider it this way: you are essentially becoming a member of an old club each time you forgo those after-dinner nibbles. For ages, people have been eating in this manner. The sun, the moon, and early bedtimes were all that existed in the past; there were no freezers or midnight nibbles.

Additionally, picture telling your buddies about your new habit:
I apologize, but after 7 p.m., my stomach is off-duty, therefore I can’t eat that cupcake. Union rules apply.


You will immediately begin to see the advantages once you get the hang of it. You will feel lighter, more energized, and perhaps even a little more self-satisfied when you wake up. Furthermore, who doesn’t enjoy a bit healthy cockiness?

As much as the alcohol from space sounds delicious don’t let it break your fast.

Constancy is where the true magic is. You’ll be astounded at how something as basic as appreciating the sunset may improve your health if you stick with it.

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Gary Wiggins says:

Awesome article. My journey begins today 5:59PM today. Wish me Not luck but God Speed

Science of the Universe says:

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There are a lot more support facts to back up this theory coming from the 4000 y.o. Ayurveda science – the world’s oldest medical system.
The 12h cycle of the elements is most auspicious for food digestion when the hours are governed by the active elements of fire and hot water: between 10 am and 2 pm. And least auspicious for digestion during dominance of passive earth and cold water elements from 6 pm to 10 pm. Therefore, food should be consumed in moderation after 2 pm and avoided all together after 6 pm.
Going early to bed (by 9 pm) helps a lot in taking advantage of the elements’ cycle. Working with the elements’ cycle will help also with other aspects of holistic health.

Science of the Universe says:

Thank you for this beautiful message!
We totally agree with what you are saying and we appreciate your elaboration.

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